Due to global financial restrictions, USD transfers using ACH or Fedwire to restricted countries will fail. To successfully complete your transfer, please use Wire (SWIFT) instead.
Note: Recipients residing in any of these restricted countries listed below cannot receive USD payments via ACH or Fedwire.
Afghanistan | Ethiopia | Nigeria |
Albania | Eritrea | Pakistan |
Angola | Georgia | Paraguay |
Antigua And Barbuda | Ghana | Serbia |
Bahamas (The) | Guatemala | Somalia |
Bangladesh | Guinea-Bissau | South Africa |
Belize | Honduras | Sri Lanka |
Benin | Iraq | Tajikistan |
Bolivia | Jamaica | Trinidad And Tobago |
Bosnia And Herzegovina | Jordan | Tunisia |
Burma/Myanmar | Kuwait | Turkey |
Burundi | Kyrgyzstan | Turkmenistan |
Cambodia | Lebanon | Uganda |
Cameroon | Liberia | Ukraine |
Cayman Islands (The) | Malawi | United Arab Emirates |
Colombia | Mauritius | Uzbekistan |
Cyprus | Mexico | Yemen |
Ecuador | Morocco | Zimbabwe |
Egypt | Mozambique |
El Salvador | Niger (The) |